“Without a constant livelihood, there will be no constant heart.” ― Ueda Akinari, Tales of Moonlight and Rain
Disasters and crises take a heavy toll on people’s food security and livelihoods, and then they can increase people’s social and economic vulnerability, and seriously affect their ability to recover, which in turn affects their ability to deal well with future shocks and stresses, and the International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Societies realizes (IFRC) The importance of food security interventions to secure livelihoods (FSL). In our organization, we believe that our emergency responses, the recovery and recovery of these social strata and their needs, as well as in building the resilience of these communities and families, to these disasters in the long term, achieve food security, when all people have physical and economic access at all times, To purchase, produce or obtain sufficient and safe food to meet their nutritional needs for a healthy and active life. Our efforts are based on helping those in need, to know the ways and means of earning a living, by developing the capabilities, assets and activities that these people have in their environment to earn money and secure livelihoods. Our role is based on several axes, including: 1- Ensure access to food and livelihood protection during and immediately after an emergency, primarily through cash assistance and in-kind transfers. 2- Restoring and strengthening assets for communities and families, developing capacities and strategies to improve their ways of earning a living by themselves and their abilities, and securing livelihoods during the recovery phase, after a disaster or crisis. 3- Enhancing food security and expanding climate and environmentally smart livelihoods, by building family resilience, by supporting improved rural and urban production, and by training self-employment with the right knowledge of change and development, ways of earning and marketing, and small business entrepreneurship.