Previous Projects
Previous Projects Implemented by PODR
In 2004 PODR implemented water activities
- In Kass IDPs camp where we provided 5 water hand pumps funded by Southern Sudan fund
- Distribution of the non-food items to all IDP camps in Kass for 5,000 H.H funded by UNJLC
- Hygiene and sanitation in Korele camp and Aladarasa Aljunobia IDPs camp 1,831 HH funded by WES.
In 2005 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of seed and tools in kass locality and Nyala locality funded by UNFAO
- Distribution of Non-food items in nyala and kass locality for 595 HH funded by UNJLC
- Distribution of mosquito’s net in kass locality and Nyala for 3,000 HH funded by Ministry of Health
- Provision of 17 hand pumps in Nyala locality and kass funded by Sudan water supply cooperation
In 2006 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of seeds and tools for rainy season in Kass locality and Tulus locality funded by NCA
- Distribution of vegetable seeds in Kass locality and Nyala locality funded by UNFAO
- Building 2 class room and an office in khirwa basic school in Kass locality funded by CARE international
- Distribution of NFIs in Kass IDP camps funded by UNJLC
- Hygiene and sanitation funded by WES in Kass locality and Nyala locality
In 2007 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of NFIs funded by UNJLC in Kass locality and Nyala locality
- Distribution of seeds and tools in Kass and Nyala locality funded by UNFAO
- Distribution of vegetable seeds in Kass and Nyala locality funded by UNFAO
- Animal vaccination in Kass locality funded by UNFAO
- Distribution of seeds and tools funded by CARE international
- Peace building between nomadic and farmers in Kass locality funded by CARE international
In 2008 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Fixing of 7 hand pumps in Kass locality and Alsalam funded by WES
- Distribution of seeds and tools in Kass locality funded by UNFAO
- Peace building and hygiene promotion funded by CARE
- Distribution of stationary to the primary schools in Kass IDPs camp funded by UNICEF
- Distribution of vegetable seeds and tools supported by UNFAO
- Distribution of NFIs in Kass and Alsalam locality funded by UNJLC
- Women empowerment trainings in Kass IDPs camp
In 2009 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of vegetable seed supported by FAO.
- Distribution of seeds and tools in Kass locality funded by UNFAO
- Vaccination and treatment campaign for the animal in Kass and Alslam localities funded by FAO.
- Peace building and hygiene promotion funded by CARE
- Distribution of stationary to the primary schools in Kass IDPs camp funded by UNICEF
- Distribution of NFIs in Kass and Alsalam locality funded by UNJLC
- Women empowerment trainings in Kass IDPs camp supported by UNEIFM.
- Starting construction of 4 police stations in Kass town funded by UNAMID the work not finished yet because of delay the fund installation.
- Distribution of 7000 seedling in-kind support from FNC and financial cost from PODR.
In 2010 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
Construction of 15 latrines and 21 class in Kass locality from the local materials from the own resources.
- Distribution of seeds in kass locality funded by UNFAO
- Distribution of NFIs in Kass and Alsalam locality funded by UNJLC
- Vaccination and treatment campaign for the animal in Kass locality.
- Distribution of NFI in the area of recent conflict between Sadah and Rizagat
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In 2011 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of NFI in the area of Alsalam , Kass IDP Camps funded by UNJLC
- Vaccination and treatment campaign for the animal in Kass locality funded by FAO
- Distribution of seeds and tools in Kass returnees, Alsalam returnees, Blialrturnees funded by UNFAO, Oxfam America and Tear Fund
- Distribution of Goats, women income generation, donkeycarts, generators for winter season funded by Oxfam America and UNFAO
- Peace building and reconciliation in Alsalam locality and Mershing funded by ZOA
- Distribution of cows for EidEladha Funded by Turkish Org.
- Distribution of Blankets in Kass and Alsalam locality funded by Turkish Org
- Rehabilitation of 6 hand pumps in Kass Locality and drilling 1 hand pumps funded by Oxfam America and Turkish org.
- Constructions of 120 latrines in Alsalam locality funded by Oxfam America
- Construction of 12 class rooms by Local materials in Kass Locality funded by PODR
- Distribution of NFIs for fire affected IDPs and returnees in kass locality and Alsalam
In 2012 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of NFI in the area of Alsalam , Kass IDP Camps funded by UNJLC
- Vaccination and treatment campaign for the animal in Kass locality funded by FAO
- Distribution of winter vegetable seeds and tools in Kass returnees villages, Alsalam returnees, Blial returnees funded by UNFAO ,Oxfam America and Tear Fund
- Distribution of donkey carts , generators and seeds for winter season funded by Oxfam America, Tearfund and UNFAO
- Distribution of Blankets in Kass and Alsalam locality funded by Turkish Org
- Rehabilitation of 6 hand pumps in Kass Locality and drilling 1 hand pumps funded by Oxfam America and Turkish org.
- Distribution of NFIs for fire affected IDPs and returnees in Kass locality and Alsalam
- Distribution of generators for water irrigation in Bulbul AbujazoShange and Musea schools
- Conducted workshops on hygiene promotion in Bilail and Kass localities
In 2013 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of NFI in the area of Alsalam , Kass IDP and Nyala Camps funded by UNHCR SECTOR ops
- Vaccination and treatment campaign for the animal in Kass locality funded by FAO
- Distribution of winter vegetable seeds and tools in Kassreturnee’s villages, Alsalam returnees, Blial returnees funded by, Oxfam America and Tear Fund
- Distribution of donkey carts, generators for winter season funded by Oxfam America
- Distribution of NFIs for fire affected IDPs and returnees in Kass locality and Alsalam donated by UNHCR
- Distribution of goats in Alsalam, Bilail and Kass localities
- Distribution of women package for income generation activities for women only in Kass , AlsalamanaBelil localities
- Skills training of youth distributed them good in-kindKass , AlsalamanaBelil localities
- Training of extension agriculture and veterinary assistants and distributed them packages to curry out activities in the villages funded by Tea fund and Oxfam America
- Distribution of vegetable seeds, irrigation machines inkass and Belil funded by UNFAO and Oxfam America
- CATs Community awareness training in hygiene promotion Kass,AlsalamanaBelil localities funded by Oxfam America
- Donkey plough in Kass and Alsalamlocalites funded by Oxfam America
In 2014 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of NFI in the area of Alsalam , Kass IDP and Nyala Camps funded by UNHCR SECTOR ops
- Vaccination and treatment campaign for the animal in Kass locality funded by FAO
- Distribution of winter vegetable seeds and tools in Kass returnees villages, Alsalam returnees, Blial returnees funded by, FAO and Tear Fund
- Distribution of donkey carts, generators for winter season funded by Oxfam America
- Distribution of NFIs for fire affected IDPs and returnees in Kass locality and Alsalam donated by OXFAM America
- Distribution of restocking in Alsalam ,Bilail and Kass localities donated by OXFAM America
- Distribution of donkey for income generation activities saving for changes for women only in Kass , and Belil localities
- Training of extension agriculture and veterinary assistants and distributed them packages to curry out activities in the villages funded by Oxfam America
- Distribution of vegetable seeds, irrigation machines inkass and Belil funded by UNFAO.
- Distribution of food to returnees IDPs in Kass, Nyala camps and returnees for rural areas funded by Darfur Regional Authority (VRRC) for voluntary return
In 2015 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Implementation of savings-led microfinance activities (Saving for Change), Agricultural extension awareness sessions, Nutrition and training of CAHWs under sharp project supported by Oxfam.
- Improvement of Food Security for the Rural Population in Selected Villages in Kass Locality through introduction of Stone Line Structures/ Terraces for agricultural water harvesting as well as tree planting. The project was conducted through FFA approaches
- Small Grants Program Manager (SGPM) for Peacebuilding project in Katela
- Implementation of social event (football games) in an attempt to bring the different community together (Katela, Iddelfursan, Tulus and Rehaidelberdi) supported by WVI.
- Wash and Sanitation project was constructed in belail and Alsalam localities in which school latrines were conducted and and awareness sessions on health education was conducted. The project was supported by ARC.
- Implementation of peace building project supported by ZOA in which agricultural center in Emalam (Elwihda locality) and hand pumps and school classes have been constructed in Merching locality
- The organization is coordinating large numbers of IDPs’ camps in Kass and Mossay
- Distribution of goats as income generating activity and restoring of assets for the people lost their animals during the war in Kass and belail
- Distribution of donkey cart as income generating activity for (150) HHs in Kass, Elsalam and belail localities
- Running animal health services in Katela locality with vaccination campaign carried out under cost recovery approach and constructing veterinary Clinic (FAO and WVI support)
In 2016/ 2017 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Food For Assets Project in Kass locality (WFP)
- NFIs and improved shelterprject, in Kass IDP Camps, South Darfur (CHF reserve fund)
- Distribution of (14) generation in support of vegetable production in Shattaya locality (WFP)
- Distribution of (150) MT of food under food for work in ShattayaKassKass localities (WFP)
- Construction of Disabled House in Shattaya locality (WFP support)
- Constructed Native Administration House in Kass Town, Kass Admin Unit, Kass Locality, South Darfur State (QIP, UNAMID)
- Rehabilitated Korlay School in Korolay Village, Kass Locality, South Darfur State (QIP, UNAMID
In 2017/ 2018 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- NFIs and improved shelterprject, in Kass IDP Camps, South Darfur (CHF reserve fund)
- Distribution of (4) generation in support of vegetable production in Shattaya locality (WFP)
- Rehabilitated School in Alradum Village, Alradum Locality, South Darfur State (QIP, UNAMID
In / 2019 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- NFIs and improved shelterprject, in Kass IDP Camps, South Darfur (Funded by UNDP)
- NFIs and improved shelter in Alradum Village, Alradum Locality, South Darfur
- Distribution of (5) generation in support of vegetable production in Alradoum locality (ARC)
- Distribution of (150) MT of food under food for work in ShattayaKassKass localities (WFP)
- Construction of Disabled House in Shattaya locality (WFP support)
- Rehabilitated Hashaba School in Hashaba Village, Kass Locality, South Darfur State (QIP, UNAMID
In 2020 PODR Implemented the Following Activities
- Distribution of vegetable seed supported by FAO.
- Distribution of seeds and tools in Kass locality funded by UNFAO
- Vaccination and treatment campaign for the animal in Kass and Alslam localities funded by FAO.
- Peace building and hygiene promotion funded by CARE
- Distribution of stationary to the primary schools in Kass IDPs camp funded by UNICEF
- Distribution of NFIs in Kass and Alsalam locality funded by UNJLC
- Women empowerment trainings in Kass IDPs camp supported by UNEIFM.
- Starting construction of 4 police stations in Kass town funded by UNAMID the work not finished yet because of delay the fund installation.
- Distribution of 7000 seedling in-kind support from FNC and financial cost from PODR.